The website, has the write-up
for the session, pertinent and helpful videos and many more great ideas.
- Guerilla Storytime is a national movement. It’s a program of sharing. The website (above) is very informative and also has a weekly ‘Ask a Storytime Ninja’ feature. Search the archives for answers to common questions and problems. They have a facebook group, also.
- The session began with a catch good morning song using the tune from She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain’, The Good Morning Train Song. A video is included in the write-up or click here:
Suggested activities:
- A favorite use of props was a Storytime Song Cube and sack boxes to take home and make.
- A fun activity to use with Lori Berkner’s Pig on Her Head song is to hold a paper plate pig over the head of a child. Or change the words a little and have plate puppets with pictures of different animals.
- Have a magic bag that contains the letter of the day. The letter changes to an animal that starts with that letter. Or put letters in a hat. Pull them out one by one to form a word.
- Use partner songs to invite parents to join in. Have guidelines for parents—encourage them to model for their children. You might say, “Your child will like dancing with me, but will LOVE dancing with you.” Remind parents that they are their child’s first and best teacher.
- An IPad app that was highly recommended was Monster at the End of This Book.
- The U-Tube video by youth librarian Rick Samuelson was recommended: Form the Orange Attendees demonstrated the chant and it’s posted. Another verse was suggested: corn: shuck the corn, end with pop the corn—everybody jump.
- If you set rules for storytimes, the suggestion was to pick three things. Most agreed that two should be, Sit with your Child and no cell phones.
Posted March 15 by Amy Koester
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